10 Microscope Slides:
1(e). Sycon, a small marine sponge of the sycon type, l.s. and t.s. on one slide
2(d). Spongilla, fresh-water sponge, t.s.
3(d). Euspongia, commercial sponge, t.s.
4(c). Sponge spicules of different kinds, mixed ...
20 Microscope Slides:
1(f). Planaria, (Turbellaria) w.m.
2(c). Planaria, t.s. for general structure
3(f). Fasciola hepatica, large liver fluke, w.m.
4(c). Fasciola, t.s. of middle region of body
5(f). Taenia sp., tapeworm, proglottids ...
Teaching case with 27 carefully prepared specimens, each enclosed in a fully transparent acrylic block to preserve the authentic colour. The case contains examples of all surviving sub-species of arthropods (Arthropoda): 21 hexapods (Hexapoda ...
12 Microscope Slides:
1(e). Garden spider, chelicera and pedipalp, female, w.m.
2(b). Garden spider, w.m. of leg
3(d). Garden spider, w.m. of spinnerets
4(e). Garden spider, abdomen with book-lungs l.s.
5(f). Garden spider, l.s. of the ...
15 Microscope Slides:
1(d). Chiton sp., t.s. of body
2(e). Anodonta, mussel, t.s. of body
3(d). Mya arenaria, clam, t.s. and l.s. of gills with ciliated epithelium
4(d). Mussel, t.s. of siphonal tube
5(d). Mya arenaria, clam, adductor ...
10 Microscope Slides:
1(d). Asterias, starfish, t.s. of ray
2(e). Young starfish, horizontal sec.
3(f). Asterias, starfish, bipinnaria larva, w.m.
4(d). Echinus, young sea urchin, radial section
5(e). Development of sea urchin, eggs ...
10 Microscope Slides:
1(f). Botryllus schlosseri, tunicate colony, w.m.
2(e). Clavelina, tunicate, l.s. showing gill, intestine, gonads
3(d). Clavelina, t.s. region of gills and intestine
4(f). Balanoglossus, t.s. region of gonads
5 ...
25 Microscope Slides.
The most important representatives of Protozoa, Sponges, Coelenterata, Vermes, Arthropoda, Insecta, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Acrania. 1(e). Amoeba proteus, w.m. 2(c). Euglena, a common flagellate with eye spot 3(d) ...
18 Microscope Slides.
1(e) Honey bee, mouth parts of worker, w.m.
2(e) Honey bee, mouth parts of worker, t.s.
3(e) Honey bee, head with compound eyes and brain, t.s.
4(c) Honey bee, cornea from eye, isolated and w.m.
5(d) Honey bee, ...
Canine Parasite Model. A parasite is an organ that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in another type of organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host. It is fairly common for our pets to become the unknowing hosts to a ...
Numbered specimens in a high-quality acrylic block to give your students an outstanding insight into the life of a honey bee (Apis cerana). Descriptive text in English. The set contains:
1. Egg
2. ...