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Blast Trousers - Light Skin

Blast Trousers - Light Skin, 1025885, Simulatori di addestramento di assistenza medica tattica (TCCC)
Blast Trousers - Light Skin, 1025885, Simulatori di addestramento di assistenza medica tattica (TCCC)
1.127,85 IVA inclusa
Nuovo Prodotto
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The Blast Trousers are designed to replicate life-threatening bilateral inguinal hemorrhages. This system provides Medics and first responders with the most realistic training experience for managing severe blast injuries. The Blast Trousers simulate blast injuries starting above the knees, presenting circumferentially, and continuing upwards to just below the navel. The deepest and most severe aspect of the wound is above any effective tourniquet placement, requiring treatment by clamping the vessel within the wound or using proper wound packing techniques.
Key features: 
  • Designed to replicate life-threatening bilateral inguinal hemorrhages
  • Works in conjunction with the Blood Pumping System (BPS) for Hyper-Realistic® training
  • Simulates circumferential blast injuries from above the knees to below the navel
  • Lifelike appearance and feel
  • Wound cavities hold up to two rolls of gauze to allow haptic feedback for proper wound packing
  • Capable of bleeding out up to three liters of blood in just over two minutes when connected to the BPS
  • Accessory for both versions of the Cut Suit® and the BPS Deluxe; also available separately or as an add-on for the BPS Basic


3.736,01 €
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5.230,41 €
Spedizione nazionale ...
Art. No.: 1025885
Peso 1.22 kg
Dimensioni 22 x 17 x 1 cm
  • Pagamenti sicuri con SSL
  • A disposizione per consigli
  • Fatturazione elettronica per PA
Servizio clienti: +39 051 790505
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