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X-Ray Energy Detector

X-Ray Energy Detector, 1008629 [U10600], Fisica dei Raggi X
X-Ray Energy Detector, 1008629 [U10600], Fisica dei Raggi X
X-Ray Energy Detector, 1008629 [U10600], Fisica dei Raggi X
X-Ray Energy Detector, 1008629 [U10600], Fisica dei Raggi X
2.106,94 IVA inclusa
Spedizione nazionale gratuita
Experiment topics:
• X-ray energy spectroscopy
• Compton effect
• X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
• Absorption experiments
• Bragg's reflection
• Duane-Hunt's displacement law
• Moseley's law

X-ray detector for recording energy spectra of X-rays or γ radiation in the energy range of approx. 2 keV to 60 keV. It mainly consists of a Si-PIN photodiode which is integrated in a metal housing together with a charge sensitive preamplifier, a main amplifier with pulse shaping and a digital signal processing circuit. The detector holder is particularly designed for installation on the swiveling arm of the X-ray apparatus (U192001 and U192001-US). The power supply is ensured via the USB port of a PC. Including CD with measuring and evaluation software for PC.
Energy range: approx. 2 keV up to 60 keV
Energy resolution (FWHM): 0.55 keV at EFeKá = 6.40 keV
Entrance window: Plastics
(absorption equivalent to Graphite with d = 40 µm)
Detector: Si-PIN photo diode
Active Area: 0.8 mm dia.
Thickness: approx. 200 µm
Dead time per pulse: approx. 200 µs
Connection: USB
Cable length: 1.75 m
Dimensions: 80 mm x 22 mm dia.
Mass: 150 g
Art. No.: 1008629 [U10600]
Peso 0.161 kg
  • Pagamenti sicuri con SSL
  • A disposizione per consigli
  • Fatturazione elettronica per PA
Servizio clienti: +39 051 790505
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