Microscope slides of Fungi, Invertebrate Zoology, Monera, Plantae, Protista, Vertebrate Embryology, Vertebrate Zoology. Each of our microscope slides is made under rigorous scientific control. They are the product of long experience combined with the most up to date techniques. The pre-requisite for excellent preparations is good material, well preserved and fixed so that the finer structures are retained in as life-like a way as possible.

Microtome sections are cut from this material by highly skilled and experienced staff. They are of a thickness which will finally result in slides from which the maximum resolution of the structural components can be obtained. Particular attention is paid to the staining technique and in each case the selected method for a particular specimen will ensure the best possible differentiation combined with clear definition and permanency of staining.

The prepared microscope slides are delivered on, high quality glass with fine ground edges of the size 26 x 76 mm (1 x 3") and are shipped in solid boxes. Due to the lack of natural material we reserve the right to make alterations to the sets. The delivery time is normally between 6 - 8 weeks.