Customer Insights: How 3B Scientific simulators help train students
3B Scientific simulators help advance the possibilities of medical education worldwide. Used in training workshops at medical universities, events, and specialized programs, we receive a lot of feedback from our customers, some of which serves as great examples and inspiration for the global medical instructor and sim tech community. This time, the trainees from Xiamen Medical College and the First Affiliate Hospital of USTC underwent engaging sessions of learning the How Tos and What Ifs of delivering accurate interventions using simulators from the 3B Scientific Group of Companies – the wearable simulator BHS from Cardionics for auscultation training on standardized patients and REALITi Plus from iSimulate for learning patient monitoring skills.
More about the simulators mentioned above:
Standardized patients get simulated with the wearable BHS:
Cardionics developed this innovative (wearable) auscultation simulator that gives students a valuable experience of interacting with a Standardized patient! BHS stands for Bionic Hybrid Simulator and is a wearable simulation system offering a realistic and accurate solution for scenario simulations with Standardized Patients. Here is an image from the training at Xiamen Medical College.

REALITi Plus is a simulated patient monitor, defibrillator and ventilator system designed by iSimulate. The REALITi360 Ecosystem allows medical educators to provide comprehensive training in ALS, ATLS, ACLS, and many other emergency algorithms. Using REALITi Plus, the trainees at First Affiliate Hospital of US TC learned first-hand how to deliver the correct interventions when facing an emergency.
If you are a medical educator interested in advancing your training with medical simulation? Contact us to find the simulators that best fit your training requirements.
Continue reading: The comprehensive mobile system iSimulate REALITi 360 is making distance learning quick and effortless