Chladni figures-making sound visible
The Chladni figures are named after the German scientist Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni (1756-1827).
Chladni excited the normal modes of thin metal plates covered with sand by stroking ...
Objective: Determine the radius of curvature of various watch glasses.
From the height h of a spherical surface above a point on a plane defined by the corners of an equilateral triangle, the radius of curvature R of the spherical surface ...
Objective: Record and evaluate motion with uniform acceleration on a roller track
When uniformly accelerated motion takes place the velocity at any instant is linearly proportional to the time, while the relationship between distance and ...
Objective: Confirm the conservation of energy with the help of Maxwell’s wheel
Maxwell’s wheel is suspended from threads at both ends of its axle in such a way that it can roll along the threads. In the course of its motion, ...
Objective: Experimental investigation of precession and nutation of a gyroscope and determination of moment of inertia
A spinning disc exhibits motions known as precession and nutation in addition to its rotational motion, depending on whether ...
Objective: Work out the local acceleration due to gravity with the help of a reversible pendulum
A reversible pendulum is a special design of a normal physical pendulum. It is able to swing from either of two mounting points and can be set ...
Measure the oscillations of a coil spring pendulum using an ultrasonic motion sensor
The oscillations of a coil spring pendulum are a classic example of simple harmonic oscillation. In this experiment, those oscillations are recorded by ...
Objective: Record and evaluate oscillation of two identical coupled pendulums
The oscillation of two identical, coupled pendulums is distinguished by the period of oscillation and the beat period. The beat period is the interval between ...
Sound waves propagate longitudinally in gases. The group velocity here is equal to the phase velocity. In this experiment, we will measure the propagation time of a sound pulse between two microphone probes in Kundt’s tube ...
Sound waves propagate in gases in the form of longitudinal waves. The overall velocity is equivalent to the phase velocity. In this experiment a standing wave is generated inside Kundt’s tube with both ends closed off. The ...
The equipment set consists of test rods of various lengths, made of different materials, two microphone probes, a microphone box for recording and amplifying signals and outputting them to an oscilloscope along with three mats. ...
Sound waves propagate in gases in the form of longitudinal waves. The overall velocity is equivalent to the phase velocity. In this experiment a standing wave is generated inside Kundt’s tube with both ends closed off. The ...