How to improve your students’ Airway Management skills in a risk-free environment
TruCorp Airway Management simulators improve clinical skill training:
AirSim Advance X: Anatomically correct and visually accurate, this trainer sticks to the table and stays fixed while students practice:
- Bag-mask ventilation
- Usage of a full range of supraglottic devices
- Video and standard laryngoscopy
- Tracheal/ Nasotracheal intubation
- Awake fibreoptic
Truman Trauma X: A complete torso trainer for students to learn airway management including surgical procedures. A full range of critical skills can be worked on using this simulator, such as chest tube insertion, needle decompression of tension pneumothorax, CPR, needle, and surgical cricothyroidotomy to name a few. Click here for full details.
TruBaby: Having a life-like appearance, weight, size, and movement of a 5-month-old infant, this trainer simplifies the complicated task of learning airway management in pediatric patients. The essential clinical skills such as endotracheal tube insertion with chest rise, double nasotracheal intubation, bag-valve-mask, ventilation techniques, supraglottic device insertion (full range), direct & video laryngoscopy can be easily trained using the TruBaby pediatric airway management simulator. Click here for full details.
About TruCorp Airway Management Trainers
Available at 3B Scientific, you will find the TruCorp Airway Management Trainers to be an effective solution for your training students in clinical skills. The simulators provide an extraordinary level of realism:
- Visually accurate airways tested for over 20,000 intubation cycles
- Anatomically correct internal and external landmarks
- Inflatable tongue for edema simulation
- Multiple difficult airway options
- Real-feel skin covering
- Cost-efficient consumables
- Easily replaceable parts
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