Enhance your veterinary training with our VSI Tuberculosis Caudal Fold Tail model. This innovative tool offers students a hands-on learning experience by allowing them to observe and palpate the tail fold architecture in a bovine model. ...
Our VSI Tuberculosis Caudal Fold Tail model provides an engaging and interactive learning experience for veterinary students. By observing and palpating the structure of the tail fold in a bovine model, students can participate in hands ...
Our VSI Tuberculosis Caudal Fold Tail model offers an engaging and interactive learning experience for veterinary students. By examining and feeling the structure of the tail fold in a bovine model, students engage in hands-on training. ...
Clamp for Securing Models to a Table with Adjustable Movement
Our clamp is designed to securely attach models to a table, providing stability while allowing for controlled movement. This versatile tool is ideal for various training and ...
Silicone Hollow Organ Suture Pad: Enhance Veterinary Surgical Training
The silicone hollow organ suture pad is an advanced training tool designed to improve the learning experience for veterinary students by offering realistic practice ...
Canine Multi-Layer Suture Pad: Essential Training Tool for Veterinary Students
The canine multi-layer suture pad is a vital training tool designed to help veterinary students perfect the surgical techniques required for spaying procedures ...
The multi-layer suture pad is an exceptionally effective training tool designed for veterinary students to practice and refine their suturing techniques. This pad simulates the various anatomical layers found in animal tissues, providing ...
3B Scientific® 수용성 혈액 분말로 실제와 같은 점도와 느낌의 혈액 생성 가능(1 x 100g)
권고 사항
인공 혈액 1리터
물 1리터에 가루 1스푼(10g)을 넣습니다.
분말 덩어리/잔여물 없이 용액이 완성될 때까지 저어줍니다.
혼합 비율을 조정하여 특정 요구 사항에 맞게 색상과 점도를 세밀하게 조정할 수 있습니다.
주의 사항
제품을 마시지 마십시오.
인공 혈액은 ...
Powdered food colouring in bottle for use in 30-ml colouring solutions for colouring water in demonstration experiments. One drop of the solution is sufficient to colour 50 ml of water.
Five metal strips used to demonstrate spot welding techniques in conjunction with a coil with 5 turns (U8497320).
Dimensions: 120x10 mm²