- 남성의 복부와, 교환 삽입가능한 4개의 각기 다른 전립선으로 구성
- 다음과 같은 특징 (4개의 전립선)
ㆍ양성이면서 약간 비대해져 있으나 정상인 전립선
ㆍ암종이 시작되는 단계 : 단단한 결절 촉지 가능
ㆍ암종이 퍼지는 단계 : 소결절의 크기가 증가
ㆍ전체가 암종으로 전이되어 전체적으로 단단하고 불규칙함
This prostate exam simulator consists of a male abdomen body and 4 different interchangeable prostate glands which can be inserted to allow realistic practice in diagnosis of prostate cancer by rectal examination.
The 4 prostate glands represent the following characteristics:
Benign, slightly enlarged, but otherwise normal prostate
Beginning stage of carcinoma, a discrete, hard nodule is palpable in the upper right quadrant of prostate
The spread of carcinoma is demonstrated, the small nodule has increased in size and has become an external hard mass on the surface of the prostate gland
Totally replaced with carcinoma, the entire prostate gland feels hard and irregular
Prostate examination simulator supplied with lubricant, cleaner and transport case.