전자관(네온): 이온화 전위 S

전자관(네온): 이온화 전위 S, 1022132, Ionization Potentials

Hertz electron tube for quantitative investigations of inelastic collisions of electrons with inert gas atoms, determination of ionization energies of helium, as well as resolution of the energy states of various primary and orbital angular-momentum quantum numbers.
Includes shielding.


  • Cathode filament voltage: UF ≤ 7 V
  • Anode voltage: UA ≤ 60 V
  • Anode current: IA ≤ 10 mA
  • Collector voltage: Uc = 1.5 V
  • Collector current: Ic ≤ 200 pA
품번: 1022132
무게 0.9 kg
치수 35.1 x 28.2 x 22.1 cm
브랜드 3B Scientific Teltron