Acrylic Body with Drilled Holes

Acrylic Body with Drilled Holes, 1002589 [U10027], 구성 요소 소리 전파
Acrylic Body with Drilled Holes, 1002589 [U10027], 구성 요소 소리 전파
Acrylic Body with Drilled Holes, 1002589 [U10027], 구성 요소 소리 전파
The Acrylic Body with Drilled Holes is a polished polyacrylic block with bores of various diameters and varying distance from the surface.

Experiment Topics:
• Determine the speed of sound and the attenuation of ultrasonic signals in polyacrylate
• Localize defects
• Investigate aberrations resulting from acoustic shadows and ground returns
• Analyze frequency-dependent resolving power
• Display manual B-images.

Both the 1 MHz and 4 MHz transducers are required for studying resolution.
품번: 1002589 [U10027]
무게 0.635 kg
치수 7.1 x 4.4 x 4.8 cm
브랜드 3B Scientific

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