Aluminum Test Block with Protractor Scale

Aluminum Test Block with Protractor Scale, 1002585 [U10022], 구성 요소 소리 전파
Aluminum Test Block with Protractor Scale, 1002585 [U10022], 구성 요소 소리 전파
The Aluminum Test Block is an accessory for use with the Ultrasound in Solids Equipment Set to examine the propagation of transverse waves in metals.  Different properties of aluminum can be determined such as the elastic constants, the shear modulus, the modulus of elasticity and the Poisson ratio.

• High reflection coefficient in water
• Measure attentuation in liquids
• Protractor with scale

Protractor scale: 360º, 5º divisions
Aluminum block: 70x45x10 mm³
품번: 1002585 [U10022]
무게 0.152 kg
치수 6 x 4 x 3.6 cm
브랜드 3B Scientific

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