Arrangement and Types of Vascular Bundles - English Slides

Arrangement and Types of Vascular Bundles - English Slides, 1004255 [W13430], 영어
Arrangement and Types of Vascular Bundles - English Slides, 1004255 [W13430], 영어
Arrangement and Types of Vascular Bundles - English Slides, 1004255 [W13430], 영어
Arrangement and Types of Vascular Bundles - English Slides, 1004255 [W13430], 영어
Arrangement and Types of Vascular Bundles - English Slides, 1004255 [W13430], 영어
Arrangement and Types of Vascular Bundles - English Slides, 1004255 [W13430], 영어
13 Microscope Slides.

1(d). Protostele. Psilotum, stem t.s.
2(d). Actinostele. Lycopodium, stem t.s.
3(d). Polystele. Pteridium, rhizome t.s. concentric bundles with inner xylem
4(d). Ectophloic siphonostele. Osmunda, rhizome t.s.
5(d). Amphiphloic siphonostele. Adiantum, rhizome t.s.
6(d). Dictyostele. Polypodium, rhizome t.s.
7(d). Eustele. Ranunculus, stem t.s., open collateral bundles
8(d). Eustele. Lamium, stem t.s.
9(d). Eustele. Cucurbita pepo, stem t.s., bicollateral bundles
10(d). Atactostele. Zea mays, stem t.s., closed collateral bundles
11(d). Arrangement of bundles similar to atactostele in a dicot plant. Podophyllum, stem t.s.
12(d). Concentric vascular bundles with outer xylem. Convallaria, rhizome t.s.
13(d). Radial concentric vascular bundle. Ranunculus, root t.s.
품번: 1004255 [W13430]
무게 0.27 kg
MPN: 6250_EN

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