Coach 7, Single User Desktop License 5 Years

Coach 7, Single User Desktop License 5 Years, 8001100, Software 소프트웨어
가격 문의

Coach is a Learning and Authoring Environment for Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. It is a product of CMA based on over 25 years of research and development. Continuous feedback from users, (students, teachers, curriculum developers) and from educational research has enabled us to create a unique environment used by many, teachers and students, worldwide. Coach integrates ICT tools, which resemble technologies used by professional scientists and facilitates an inquiry-based approach to education.

• With Coach 7 you have the most complete environment for STEM Education!
• Suitable for many platforms
• Can be used by teachers and students, in school and at home
• All needed tools in one environment
• Easy but also comprehensive, offering advanced options when needed
• Intuitive handling of sensors
• Pre-calibrated sensors but when desired own calibration can be done
• Allows to store a new sensor calibration in the sensor’s memory
• The only environment which offers dynamical modeling
• Video measurement with automatic tracking and perspective correction
• Easy to learn via many simple, placed in context, step-by-step tutorials
• Free access to a large data-base with innovative teaching resources

Always and anywhere
Education is changing: laptops have become essential for students and teachers. With Coach 7 you are ready for the education of the 21st century. You can use Coach 7 on your computer or laptop, at home or at school

Suitable for:
PC computer, MAC computer

품번: 8001100
브랜드 CMA - Centrum voor Microcomputer

제품 매뉴얼

다른 고객이 함께 구매한 상품:
WiLab, 1022284, 데이터 로거
by CMA - Centrum voor Microcomputer
Sensor Cable, 1021514 [UCMA-BTsc1], 컴퓨터 실험 관련 부속품
by CMA - Centrum voor Microcomputer
Motion detector (for WiLab and VinciLab), 1022288, 물리학 센서
by CMA - Centrum voor Microcomputer
Stainless Steel Rod 1000 mm, 1002936 [U15004], 막대
by 3B Scientific
Maxwell‘s Wheel, 1000790 [U8408305], 진동
by 3B Scientific
Stand with H-Shaped Base, 1018874 [U8557440], Tripods and Barrel Feet
by 3B Scientific
Digital Stopwatch, 1002811 [U11902], 시간 측정
by Hanhart
Faraday Cup, 1000972 [U8496460], 정전기학
by 3B Scientific
Force Plate, 1021677 [UCMA-0364], 물리학 센서
by CMA - Centrum voor Microcomputer