Experiment: Coupled Oscillations (230 V, 50/60 Hz)

Experiment: Coupled Oscillations (230 V, 50/60 Hz), 8000563 [UE1050600-230], 완전한 실험 – 역학
가격 문의
Objective: Record and evaluate oscillation of two identical coupled pendulums

The oscillation of two identical, coupled pendulums is distinguished by the period of oscillation and the beat period. The beat period is the interval between two points in time when one pendulum is swinging at its minimum amplitude. Both values can be calculated from the natural periods of oscillation for the coupled pendulums when the oscillations are in phase and out of phase.

Coach 7 license required!

Delivery scope

막대 진자와 각도 센서, 1000763 [U8404275-230], 진동

막대 진자와 각도 센서

1000763 [U8404275-230]
Helical Springs 3.9 N/m, 1002945 [U15027], 코일 용수철

Helical Springs 3.9 N/m

1002945 [U15027]
WiLab, 1022284, 데이터 로거


Table Clamp, 1002832 [U13260], 클램프

Table Clamp

1002832 [U13260]
Stainless Steel Rod 470 mm, 1002934 [U15002], 막대

Stainless Steel Rod 470 mm

1002934 [U15002]
Universal Clamp, 1002830 [U13255], 클램프

Universal Clamp

1002830 [U13255]
Voltage Sensor 10 V, 1021682 [UCMA-BT02], 물리학 센서

Voltage Sensor 10 V

1021682 [UCMA-BT02]
품번: 8000563 [UE1050600-230]

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