Fresnel Mirror K

Fresnel Mirror K, 1009927 [U8476515], 광학 시스템 Kroencke – 액세서리  
Fresnel Mirror K, 1009927 [U8476515], 광학 시스템 Kroencke – 액세서리  
Fresnel mirror with holder for use on K-model optical benches (U8475260, U8475240 or U8475230).
Two mutually inclined surface-coated mirrors are bonded to a common metal plate. A knurled screw at the rear can be used to adjust the angle between the mirrors. The wave nature of light can be demonstrated by interference following reflection at both mirrors. Holder matches the optical rider K (U8475350).
Dimensions: 135x100x40 mm³
Weight: approx. 123 g
품번: 1009927 [U8476515]
무게 0.115 kg
브랜드 3B Scientific

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