Supplement (Kroencke): Polarization

Supplement (Kroencke): Polarization, 1009701 [U8477140], 고급 학생 실험
Supplement (Kroencke): Polarization, 1009701 [U8477140], 고급 학생 실험
Supplementary set to the Kröncke optics basic set (1009932 resp 1009931) for carrying out student experiments on the polarisation of light waves.
Such as:
  • Polarization of transverse waves
  • Polarizer and analyzer
  • Visibility of polarized light in turbid water
  • Double refraction
  • Rotation of planes of polarisation by a sugar solution
  • 1 Pair of polarizing filters
  • 1 Pinhole aperture, 10 mm
  • 1 Rectangular cuvette
품번: 1009701 [U8477140]
무게 0.14 kg
치수 15.7 x 11.2 x 11.2 cm
브랜드 3B Scientific

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