Teen BSE/TSE Training Set - Beige Skintone

Teen BSE/TSE Training Set - Beige Skintone, 1017934 [W43105], 생식기 및 골반 모델

Skin Tone:

Product in White Product in Black
This kit contains a teen BSE model and a TSE model to teach teens the importance of early detection of cancer.  Teen BSE model contains lumps in a variety of sizes.  TSE model contains two lumps in each testicle.  Each model is made of soft, durable BIOLIKE synthetic tissue and comes with a slipcover and carrying case.
품번: 1017934 [W43105]
무게 0.93 kg
치수 26 x 22.9 x 18.8 cm
MPN: 26496

다른 고객이 함께 구매한 상품:
무릎 관절 차트, 1001488 [VR1174L], 골격계
by 3B Scientific