Vacuum Recipient Component:
Vacuum Bell Jar

Vacuum Recipient Component:
Vacuum Bell Jar, 1020809 [U218511], 진공
Vacuum Recipient Component:
Vacuum Bell Jar, 1020809 [U218511], 진공
Vacuum Recipient Component:
Vacuum Bell Jar, 1020809 [U218511], 진공
Vacuum Recipient Component:
Vacuum Bell Jar, 1020809 [U218511], 진공
Application: ..
Vacuum experiment plate (item no.: 1003166) and vacuum bell jar (item no.: 1020809) are used to set up a vacuum chamber for experiments in the coarse (low) and fine vacuum range.

Product Information: ..
The vacuum bell jar is made of glass with grip knob and polished flange to be set on top of the vacuum experiment plate.

Specifications: ..
Inner diameter: 190 mm
Total height: 220 mm


품번: 1020809 [U218511]
무게 1.71 kg
치수 47 x 31 x 30.2 cm
브랜드 3B Scientific

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