Wide-Band Loudspeaker

Wide-Band Loudspeaker, 1000812 [U8432770], 음향 - 부속품
Wide-Band Loudspeaker, 1000812 [U8432770], 음향 - 부속품
Ideal sound source for acoustics experiments in the frequency range 60 Hz to 23 kHz. Includes connecting lead with 4 mm safety plugs.
Frequency range: 60 Hz to 23 kHz (-10 dB)
Power capacity: 100 W (as per IEC 268-5)
Impedance: 4 Ω
Tweeter: ½" diam.
Woofer: 5 ½" diam.
Dimensions: 225 x 150 x 142 mm³
Weight: 1.8 kg
품번: 1000812 [U8432770]
무게 1.9 kg
브랜드 3B Scientific

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