둔부 주사 시뮬레이터 Buttock Injection Simulator

둔부 주사 시뮬레이터 Buttock Injection Simulator, 1000514 [P57], 주사실습 및 천자
둔부 주사 시뮬레이터 Buttock Injection Simulator, 1000514 [P57], 주사실습 및 천자
둔부 주사 시뮬레이터 Buttock Injection Simulator, 1000514 [P57], 주사실습 및 천자

Injection Site:

Product in 팔뚝 Product in 대퇴골 Product in 엉덩이

Skin tone:

Product in 어두운 피부색 Product in 밝은 피부색
제품 보증 기간 : 3년
라텍스 프리
둔부 주사 시뮬레이터는 근육 내 주사를 위한 중요한 해부학적 랜드마크인 장골능선, 상전장골극, 대전자가 묘사된 우측 둔부 모형입니다.
연결된 미세전자 장치는 근육 내 주사 실습 시 그래픽으로 피드백을 제공하며, 올바르게 주사하였을 경우 청각 피드백이 생성됩니다. 추가 교육 및 제어 모드는 교육 세션 완료 또는 즉시 결과를 확인할 수 있습니다.
21G/0.8 주사 바늘 및 5ml 주사기가 함께 제공됩니다.

This high-quality, strap-on intramuscular simulator is a lifelike model of a right buttock with all important anatomical landmarks for intramuscular (I.M.) injections: iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine and greater trochanter. The integrated fine electronics provide extremely graphic feedback when training the intramuscular injection technique, correctly administered injections will produce audiovisual feedback.

Additional training and control modes are available for checking results either immediately or upon completion of a training session.

This anatomically realistic injection simulator is supplied with a 21G/0.8 injection needle and a 5 ml syringe.

Important: Do not fill the syringe with liquid. The unit is only intended for dry practice.

Note: Product is designed based on Hochstetter method 

  Intramuscular Injection Simulator - Upper Arm Intramuscular Injection Simulator - Upper Leg Buttock Injection Simulator Intramuscular injection simulator Intramuscular Injection Model of Buttocks Intramuscular Injection Simulator Intradermal Injection Simulator
Item No. 1009840 1000511 1000514 1010008 1005394 / 1022267 1005586 1005628
Body part upper arm upper leg buttock muscle extract with skin pelvis with buttocks lower torso forearm
Palpable anatomical landmarks - -
Injection type  intramuscular intramuscular intramuscular intramuscular intramuscular intramuscular intradermal
Injection sites as indicated by a trainer as indicated by a trainer as indicated by a trainer all the surface  as indicated by a trainer as indicated by a trainer eight
Proper injection audiovisual feedback audiovisual feedback audiovisual feedback - green light will appear - skin welt will form
Additional information training and test modes are available training and test modes are available training and test modes are available will absorb fluid special skin material does not show needle marks simulated bony structure is embedded in the torso liquid skin repair kit included (M-1013686)

품번: 1000514 [P57]
무게 2.306 kg
치수 30 x 30 x 12 cm
브랜드 3B Scientific

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