3B 사이언티픽 제품들은 시뮬레이터와 트레이너를 위한 합리적인 선택입니다. 본사의 제품을 사용하여 난해한 과정들을 실제 상황과 흡사한 상황에서 훈련하고 연습하는 데 사용하여 환자들에게 최선의 간호를 제공하십시오. 환자 간호용 마네킹을 찾던, 루게릭병 트레이너를 찾던, 심폐소생술 및 응급처치 시뮬레이션을 찾던, 산부인과 트레이너를 찾던, 혹은 의료/간호 수기 트레이너건 3B 사이언티픽에서는 여러분이 필요한 모든 기기를 보유하고 있다고 자부합니다!
Wallcur's Practi-Measles Mumps Rubella Vaccine (MMR) for clinical training is the only simulated measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine practice aid, designed to teach the essential skills necessary to calculate, measure, reconstitute, and ...
This Practi-Propofol 1000 mg/100mL vial for clinical training, simulates real Propofol, a short acting anesthetic drug. Learn the sterile techniques of large vial handling, air replacement, dosage aspiration and needle withdrawal with our new ...
The Practi-Ketamine clear 10mL vials simulate 500mg/10 mL(50mg/mL) ketamine (Ketalar®), an N-Methyl-D aspartate receptor antagonist; dissociative anaesthetic. The simulated vial is filled with distilled water hence safe for use with Manikins ...
The Practi-Lorazepam comes in a 1 mL vial simulating 2 mg/mL of lorazepam (Ativan®), a benzodiazepine. The 1mL vial is filled with distilled water hence, safe for use with manikins.
The Practi-Vial Teaches:
Multiple small dose ...
The Practi-Bupivacaine 50mL vials simulates 0.5% (5mg/mL) of bupivacaine (Marcaine®), a potent llocal anesthetics. The 50mL vial is filled with distilled water and is safe for use with manikins.
The Practi-Vial Teaches:
Aseptic ...
The Practi-Haloperidol 1mL tinT perfectly simulates light-sensitive haloperidol (Haldol®), an antipsychotic medication. The simulated vial is filled with 1mL of distilled water. Simulate either single or multiple dosage of the light-sensitive ...
The Practi-Bumetanide tinted 5mL vials simulate 1mg/4mL (0.25 mg/mL) of bumetanide (Bumex®), a loop diuretic. The vial is filled with 4mL distilled water hence, safe for use with manikins and is ideal for skills training in nursing, EMS ...
The Practi-Ziprasidone for clinical training, is a 2mL vial that contains an unsterile white powder that will dissolve in water. Practi-Ziprasidone simulates 20mg/mL of ziprasidone (Geodon®), an antipsychotic agent. Learn proper reconstitution ...
The Practi-Diltiazem clear 5mL vials simulate 25mg/5mL (5mg/mL) of diltiazem (Cardizem®), a calcium channel blocker.
The 5mL vial is filled with distilled water, hence safe for use with manikins.
It is ideal for skills ...
Practi-Norepinephrine 4mL vial for clinical training; simulates 4mg/4mL (1mg/mL) of Norepinephrine (Levophed®), a sympathomimetic, in a 5mL tinted vial.
The 4mL vial is filled with distilled water, hence safe to use on fluid-compatible ...
Practi-Sodium Chloride 0.9% is a diluent that can be used with Practi-Powder to simulate reconstitution training. The Simulated viaL contains 10mL of distilled water, making it safe for use with fluid-compatible manikins. It is perfect for ...
The Practi-Sodium Chloride 0.9% for clinical training is a diluent that can be used with Practi-Powder to simulate reconstitution training. The Simulated vial is filled with 10 mL of distilled water, hence safe for use with Manikins and ideal ...
This Practi-Epinephrine 1mg/1mL (1:1000) Vial for clinical training, accurately simulates 1mg/1mL of epinephrine hydrochloride, a direct-acting sympathomimetic drug, epinephrine. It's an important training aid for your ACLS training scenarios ...
The Practi-Alteplase Powder and Diluent 100mg/100mL for clinical training, simulates Alteplase (Activase®); a fibrinolytic plasminogen activator (tPA). The pack comes with 10 Practi-Alteplase powders simulating 100mg and 10 Practi ...
The Practi-Methylprednisolone for clinical training, is a 2mL vial that contains an unsterile white powder that will dissolve in water. Practi-Methylprednisolone simulates 125mg/mL of methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol®), a corticosteroid ...
The Practi-Vancomycin 500mg/10mL for clinical training accurately simulates the commonly seen antibiotic vancomycin (Vancocin®), a glycopeptide antibiotic. The simulated vial offers learners the opportunity to master diverse skills.  ...
The Practi-Meperidine 100mg/mL in a 1mL distilled water vial simulates the drug meperidine (Demerol®) a phenylpiperidine; opiod analgesic.
The Practi-Vial Teaches:
Multiple small dose calculations
Fractional dosage measurement ...
The Practi-Lidocaine 2% for clinical training, simulates Lidocaine 2% (Xylocaine 2%®) 1,000 mg/50mL in a 50mL vial, a medication used parenterally as a local anesthetic agent. The Practi-Lidocaine 2% vials are filled with distilled water ...
The Practi-Amiodarone HCl 450mg/9mL (50mg/mL) is a 10mL vial designed to mimic the antiarrhythmic drug amiodarone. The vial contains distilled water, making it safe to use on manikins or skill trainers that are compatible with fluids. This ...
The Practi-Fibrinogen Concentrate 3g/50mL for clinical training simulates fibrinogen concentrate powder (RiaSTAP®), a hemostatics; blood coagulation factor: Each 50mL vial contains a white powder that dissolves in either 0.9% NaCl or distilled ...
The Practi-Tranexamic Acid 1000mg/10mL for clinical training, simulates tranexamic acid (TXA®), an antifibrinolytics, in a clear 10mL vial. The vial content is distilled water, hence safe to use on Manikin/Skill trainers that are fluid ...
The Wallcur Practi-Rocuronium Bromide 100mg/10mL for clinical training is a white powder vial simulating the drug Rocuronium Bromide, a nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocker; muscle relaxant. Each 10mL vial contains 100mg of white powder to ...
The Practi-Cefoxitin 2g/20mL Powder Vial for clinical training, simulates 2g/20mL of the antibiotic cefoxitin (Mefoxin®), a 2nd generation cephalosporin. Each 20 mL vial contains a white powder that dissolves in either 0.9% NaCl or distilled ...
The Practi-Bacteriostatic Sodium Chloride 0.9% for clinical training is a 9.24 m0smol/30mL vial filled with distilled water and is safe for use with manikins.. The vial teaches users/ practitioners the sterile techniques of large vial handling ...
The Practi-Glucagon Powder Vial Refills (1mg/1mL) for clinical training prepares and also provides users/practitioners with the necessary skills on how to use a real Glucagon Powder in managing severe hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. It is ...