방사선촬영 세트

방사선촬영 세트, 1000667 [U19207], 엑스선 물리학
These accessories for the basic equipment set (U19205) are intended for investigating the following topics: scattering, absorption; dependence on acceleration voltage, emission current and penetration power, resolving power; shielding, half-width; exposure time, non-destructive materials testing.

Scope of delivery:
1 Maltese cross
1 phantom
1 pin diaphragm
1 aluminum layer, stepped
5 aluminum absorbers, 0.1/0.25/0.5/1.0/2.0 mm
1 lead absorber, 0.5 mm
1 plastic absorber
2 magnets
4 materials testing models (porosity, fissures, welding seam, painting)
품번: 1000667 [U19207]
무게 0.3 kg
브랜드 3B Scientific Teltron

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