흉관 삽입용 마네킹  Chest Tube Manikin

흉관 삽입용 마네킹  Chest Tube Manikin, 1017946 [W44673], 전문 외상처치술
제품 보증 기간 : 5년
- 흉부외상 처치 및 흉관 유지를 위한 이론 및 해부학, 술기 습득
- 오른쪽 흉부를 떼어내서 피부표면, 근육조직, 늑골, 폐 관찰 가능
- 왼쪽편에 긴장성 기흉이 발생한 환부 존재
- 늑막 강 내 공기 배출 및 늑막 삼출액 배출 술기
- 흉수의 색깔, 양, 점성 조절 가능
- 플루어-에박(pleur-evac)과 같은 기구에 연결하여 사용법 습득

This manikin is designed to specifically teach the theory, anatomy and skills needed to manage pre-hospital chest trauma as well as ongoing chest tube maintenance. The right side of the manikin has two cut-away viewing areas to provide awareness of the anatomical relationships between the skin surface, musculature, ribs and lungs. The left side has a pressurized tension pneumothroax site to relieve air that has accumulated within the pleural space and is restricting lung inflation. There is also a site where chest tubes may be surgically placed to treat pleural effusion by draining fluids from the pleural space. The fluid color, volume and viscosity is controlled by the instructor. The Life/Form Chest Tube Manikin is perfect for teaching the concepts and mechanics of closed water-seal drainage systems like "Pleur-Eva" type units
품번: 1017946 [W44673]
무게 7.5 kg
브랜드 Nasco
MPN: LF03770

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