The patient care and nursing skills training manikin GERi™ has an elderly appearance with skin wrinkles and folds.
It offers a complete life-like range of motion for realistic patient positioning, and non-pinching joints - truly moves ...
KERi™ has a non-age-specific appearance. Complete lifelike range of motion, realistic patient positioning, and non-pinching joints - moves like a person.
Lightweight - approximately 28 lbs.
Full-size adult manikin - measures ...
Use these realistic catheterization models to practice the proper insertion of a lubricated catheter. May also be used for teaching anatomy and sterile cleansing techniques before, during, and after insertion.
Anatomy on the male catheter ...
Special needs infants require specific, yet gentle, care which includes the performance of vital medical procedures. This newborn-size infant allows health care facilities and medical staff to teach special procedures and develop a nursing ...
This newborn-size infant allows health care facilities and medical staff to teach special procedures and develop a nursing care plan for special needs infants.
This manikin simulates a 0-8 week old newborn with rotatable soft arms and legs. It allows training of basic and advanced pediatric patient care procedures such as:
Bathing and bandaging
Tube feeding and gastric suction (movable ...
This manikin simulates a one-year old infant with rotatable arms and legs (jointed elbows and knees) and articulating head. It allows training of basic and advanced pediatric patient care procedures such as:
• Bandaging
• Ophthalmic ...
This “two-in-one” simulator allows:
• Catheterization: The interchangeable male and female genital organs feature a modular urethral
valve to prevent fluid leakage.
• Ostomy care: 3 stomas (transverse colostomy, ileostomy ...
The introduction of urethral catheterization is a routine medical procedure used to drain the patient’s bladder. 3B Scientific® offers a wide selection of male and female urinary catheterization trainers for medical skill training. Using the clinical skill trainers, trainees will become familiar with the differences between male and female catheterization and be able to effectively practice the correct handling, insertion and changing of catheters.
Healthcare professionals, medical and nursing students can practice on catheterization trainers representing different age groups: neonatal, pediatric and adult patient simulators are offered for age specific catheterization training with different urinary catheter types.