This economical digital teslameter will allow students to incorporate quantitative measurements into their magnetism experiments. The unit includes a Hall sensor probe for measuring axial and tangential magnetic fields up to 200 mT. The probe ...
For demonstrating the properties of the crystal lattice of ferromagnetic materials, particularly Weiss domains, Barkhausen jumps, saturation and hysteresis. 118 freely rotating magnetic needles mounted between two connected acrylic plates. ...
Accurate and easy to use our Dip Circle is designed for determining the direction, in horizontal and vertical increments, of the Earth’s magnetic field and to demonstrate the magnetic field of a current carrying conductor. The instrument ...
The Helmholtz Coils generate a homogeneous magnetic field and can be used to determine the geometric properties of the Helmholtz configuration. Two coils are arranged parallel to each other and mounted on a robust metal base plate. ...
The Oersted Device demonstrates how a magnetized object, in this case a needle, is deflected by the presence of an alternating magnetic field, produced here by an electric current. The magnetic needle has two distinct poles and a length of ...
The coil and its core are mounted on a very
stable plastic base. Fitted with an “on-off” switch. Connection to the electrical circuit via two 4 mm safety terminals.
Required power supply 6 to 12 V.
This economical digital teslameter will allow students to incorporate quantitative measurements into their magnetism experiments. The unit includes a Hall sensor probe for measuring axial and tangential magnetic fields up to 200 mT. The probe ...
Experiment topics : • Magnetic flux lines of bar and horseshoe magnets • Magnetic screening • Magnetic induction • To display the shapes adopted by magnetic field lines around a straight conductor, a conductor loop, ...
Current Conductor for demonstrating the magnetic fields of current-carrying conductors. The magnetic field can be made visible with iron powder. Acrylic glass base with two 4 mm safety sockets. For projection on the overhead projector. Dimensions ...
Current Conductor for demonstrating the magnetic fields of current-carrying conductors. The magnetic field can be made visible with iron powder. Acrylic glass base with two 4 mm safety sockets. For projection on the overhead projector. Dimensions ...
Current Conductor for demonstrating the magnetic fields of current-carrying conductors. The magnetic field can be made visible with iron powder. Acrylic glass base with two 4 mm safety sockets. For projection on the overhead projector. Dimensions ...
Прибор для трехмерного построения линий магнитного поля прямого цилиндрического магнита. Плексигласовый корпус заполняется специальной жидкостью, обладающей высокой вязкостью, и железными опилками. После того, как магнит вводится в отверст ...
Apparatus for demonstrating repulsion forces between magnets. Two ring magnets facing each other with identical poles are slid on a rod.
Base: approx. 100 mm dia.
Rod: approx. 100 mm x 30 mm dia.
Weight: approx. 410 g
Contents ...
Globe of the world with bar magnet along the axis of the poles on acrylic base, for demonstrating the shape of the Earth’s magnetic field.
A compass (U19561) or a magnetic field indicator (U8491900) can be seen to align at the surface of ...
Прибор для измерения наклона магнитного поля Земли, а также для картографирования магнитного поля проводника с током. Подшипники выполнены из агата, на которых в рамке с опорным кругом установлена магнитная стрелка. Рама снабжена дополните ...
Coil with Variable Number of Turns per Unit Length For the investigation of magnetic flux density of cylindrical coils as a function of the number of turns per unit length. Measurement of the number of winding turns per unit length is carried ...
Hand-held meter for measuring magnetic flux density or magnetic field strength in conjunction with an Axial/Tangential Field Sensor or a Flexible Magnetic Field Sensor. The measurements are shown on a digital display and also converted into ...
This magnetic-field sensor comprises two integrated Hall sensors for measuring axial and tangential magnetic fields in conjunction with the Teslameter (U10529) or the micro-voltmeter (U10626). A slide switch is used to changeover between axial ...
Flexible magnetic field sensor with built-in Hall sensor for measuring tangential magnetic fields in connection with the E-model Teslameter (U8533982).
Sensitivity: 1 mV/mT or 1 mV/A/m
Probe length ...
Holding rod with 4-mm connector sockets to accommodate and connect components with two plugs matching a 19-mm or 50-mm grid or conductor loops for verifying the Biot-Savart law. Suitable for both 4-mm laminated plugs as well as 4-mm safety ...
Equipment set comprising a straight conductor and three circular ones for experimental investigation of how magnetic flux density is calculated according to the Biot-Savart law.
Connectors: 4-mm plug
Maximum continuous current: ...
В эксперименте "Закон Био-Савара" определяется и обсуждается плотность магнитного потока B контуров токопроводящих проводников с различными радиусами R и плотность магнитного потока прямого провода.
Одновременно ...
Iron filings trace the path of the magnetic field lines generated by a bar magnet. When used in conjunction with an overhead projector, this device demonstrates the presence of magnetic field lines. The transparent plastic vessel is filled ...
The apparatus consists of a powerful U shaped magnet, a pair of brass rails complete with 4mm sockets and a brass axle. A power supply unit is connected to the rails. When the axle is placed on the rails the electric circuit is completed and ...
This economical digital teslameter will allow students to incorporate quantitative measurements into their magnetism experiments. The unit includes a Hall sensor probe for measuring axial and tangential magnetic fi elds up to 200 mT. The probe ...
Magnetic Field Sensor, Jewel Bearing For three-dimensional scanning of magnetic fields. Cardanic bearing pivot allowing free rotation in space, small bar magnet with color pole coding. Handle and cardanic suspension made of plastic to alleviate ...