Медоносная пчела (Apis mellifica). На португальском языке

Медоносная пчела (Apis mellifica). На португальском языке, 1004212 [W13340P], Португальский
Медоносная пчела (Apis mellifica). На португальском языке, 1004212 [W13340P], Португальский
Медоносная пчела (Apis mellifica). На португальском языке, 1004212 [W13340P], Португальский
Медоносная пчела (Apis mellifica). На португальском языке, 1004212 [W13340P], Португальский
Медоносная пчела (Apis mellifica). На португальском языке, 1004212 [W13340P], Португальский
Медоносная пчела (Apis mellifica). На португальском языке, 1004212 [W13340P], Португальский
18 Microscope Slides.

1(e) Honey bee, mouth parts of worker, w.m.
2(e) Honey bee, mouth parts of worker, t.s.
3(e) Honey bee, head with compound eyes and brain, t.s.
4(c) Honey bee, cornea from eye, isolated and w.m.
5(d) Honey bee, ocelli, w.m.
6(b) Honey bee, antenna with sensory organs, w.m.
7(c) Honey bee, anterior and posterior wing, w.m.
8(b) Honey bee, anterior leg with eye brush, w.m.
9(b) Honey bee, posterior leg with pollen basket, w.m.
10(d) Honey bee, sting and poison sac, w.m.
11(c) Honey bee, wax plate of worker, w.m.
12(d) Honey bee, abdomen of worker, t.s. with intestine, nephridia, wax glands
13(e) Honey bee, abdomen of queen, t.s. showing ovaries
14(e) Honey bee, abdomen of drone, t.s. showing testis
15(e) Honey bee, thorax of worker, t.s. showing muscles
16(d) Honey bee, larva, entire specimen, sagittal l.s.
17(e) Nosema apis, causing bee dysentery, t.s. of diseased intestine
18(d) Bacillus larvae, causing foul brood, smear.
Артикул: 1004212 [W13340P]
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MPN: 5550_PT
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