This galvanometer moves the pointer in relation to the direct current between the positive and negative scale side and can thus represent the current flow. Due to the analog technology used, no batteries are required - this measuring device ...
Постоянно устойчивый к короткому замыканию студенческий измерительный прибор для измерения напряжения и тока в безопасном сверхнизком диапазоне напряжений. Электронная защита от перегрузки достигается без использования предохранителя об ...
Счетчик для аудиторных и практических экспериментов для измерения напряжения и тока до 600 В или 10 А соответственно. Также имеется звуковая проверка непрерывности. Включает предохранитель, гарантирующий безопасность до CAT III. Отдельн ...
Robust pointer instruments for measuring voltage resp. current in shock-proof desktop housings built especially for student and practical lab experiments with moving coil instruments, mirror scale and 4-mm safety sockets. Meas. Ranges: 50 ...
Robust pointer instruments for measuring voltage resp. current in shock-proof desktop housings built especially for student and practical lab experiments with moving coil instruments, mirror scale and 4-mm safety sockets.Meas. Ranges: 3 V, ...
Robust pointer instruments for measuring voltage resp. current in shock-proof desktop housings built especially for student and practical lab experiments with moving coil instruments, mirror scale and 4-mm safety sockets.Meas. Ranges: 1 A, ...
Robust pointer instruments for measuring voltage resp. current in shock-proof desktop housings built especially for student and practical lab experiments with moving coil instruments, mirror scale and 4-mm safety sockets.Meas. Ranges: 15 V ...
Robust pointer instruments for measuring voltage resp. current in shock-proof desktop housings built especially for student and practical lab experiments with moving coil instruments, mirror scale and 4-mm safety sockets.
Meas. Ranges: ...