Experiment: Wheatstone’s Bridge (115 V, 50/60 Hz)

Experiment: Wheatstone’s Bridge (115 V, 50/60 Hz), 8000610 [UE3020300-115], Перенос зарядов и электрический ток
Objective: Determine the value of certain resistances

An arrangement in which two voltage dividers are connected in parallel and connected to the same DC voltage source can be used to obtain the values of certain resistors. The first voltage divider consists of the resistance that is to be measured along with a reference resistance, while the second consists of a resistance wire 1 m in length that is divided into two sections by a sliding contact. The ratio between the two sections is adjusted until the current across the diagonal between the two voltage dividers becomes zero.


Артикул: 8000610 [UE3020300-115]
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