Vacuum experiment plate (item no.: 1003166) and vacuum bell jar (item no.: 1020809) are used to set up a vacuum chamber for experiments in the coarse (low) and fine vacuum range.
The vacuum bell jar is made of glass with grip knob ...
Beam balance on base with suspended polystyrene ball and adjustable counterweight for demonstrating buoyancy on a body due to atmospheric pressure. At a state of equilibrium a Baroscope is placed in a vacuum bell jar under atmospheric pressure ...
Bell for demonstrating electro-magnetic operation of apparatus and verifying that sound waves do not propagate
in a fine vacuum (< 1 hPa).
Open acrylic housing with 4-mm safety sockets.
Inexpensive, transparent plastic vacuum chamber for basic experiments with low pressure. Hand pump integrated into base plate, bleed valve and manometer for measuring pressure down to 330 hPa.
To demonstrate Von Guericke’s historical experiment on the effect of atmospheric air pressure. Two plastic hemispheres equipped with handles can be joined vacuum-tight using the insertable rubber sealing ring. One hemisphere is equipped ...
Product Information: 1
Inexpensive vacuum recipient made of transparent acrylic for experiments in coarse and fine vacuums. Comprises a base and vacuum cylinder with venting valve, manometer, inlet tap, entrance for contacts and rubber ...
This glass tube can be evacuated to compare the free falling characteristics of different objects in a vacuum. Duck feathers and plastic parts are included as falling objects.
Основание для опытов, которое служит для сборки вакуумной камеры вместе с вакуумным колпаком (U218511) с целью проведения опытов с неглубоким и глубоким вакуумом. Имеет металлический диск с уплотнительным кольцом на трех ножках, соединител ...