A high-precision device for studying the compression and liquefaction of a gas, determining the critical point and recording isotherms in p-V (Clapeyron) diagrams. The test gas is sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), which has a critical temperature ...
Устройство для экспериментального определения зависимости между объёмом и давлением газа при постоянной температуре (закон Бойля-Мариотта). Рабочий цилиндр сделан из прозрачного акрилата и оснащён подвижным поршнем, шкалой и манометром, а ...
Accessories for vibration generator (1000701) for simulating particle motion in an ideal gas. Differently coloured spheres (gas model) are set in motion by mechanical vibrations.
1 Plexiglas cylinder, length 300 mm approx.
1 ...
Set of spare seals for critical point apparatus (U104001). Includes a rubber cap seal, round rubber seal of diameter 60 mm, square rubber seal 78x78 mm², a sealing ring of diameter 30/20 mm, four copper sealing discs and a threaded bush ...
Palm-sized, hollow metallic ball with a manometer connected to it for demonstrating change of pressure in a closed volume of air when heated or cooled. Immersing the ball in a water bath at a specific temperature allows the relationship between ...
Immersion circulation thermostat for setting the temperature of a bath or external apparatus with non-flammable liquids at temperatures up to 95°C. The fully electronic continuous regulator and the powerful circulating pump ensure that the ...
Immersion circulation thermostat for setting the temperature of a bath or external apparatus with non-flammable liquids at temperatures up to 95°C. The fully electronic continuous regulator and the powerful circulating pump ensure that the ...
Glass vessel with ground-glass sealing joints for demonstrating the expansion of air when heated. The U-tube is filled with water at room temperature and the water levels are marked. Even the heat from a hand is enough to cause the air in ...
Device for demonstrating the ignition of diesel. By swiftly pressing down the piston, the compressed air in the transparent tube is heated so strongly that a piece of paper placed at the bottom of the tube very clearly ignites. Similarly, a ...