U shaped core made of high grade laminated transformer plates, with removable yoke. Provided with two clips for securing the yoke or attaching special pole shoes with drilled holes (U8497200). Cross-section of core: 40x40 mm² U-core ...
Pole shoe fitting with adjustable separation for generating a uniform magnetic field on a U-shaped core D (U8497215). Includes two 20-mm spacers, four 10-mm spacers and four 5-mm spacers.
Dimensions: 150x120x40 mm³
Weight: 5.7 kg
Pair of pole pieces for experiments on the semiconductor Hall effect. Including clamping brackets for mounting on the U-core D (U8497215).
Pole shoe dimensions: 40x40x75 mm³
Total weight ...
Circular copper channel with insulated handle for demonstrating the principle of induction melting, when used as a secondary coil with the 40x40 transformer core D (U8497180).
Max. current: approx 1300 A
Internal diameter: approx. 57 ...
Secondary coil for transformer core D (U8497180), generating high voltages which can be used for spot-welding of metal sheets up to 2 mm thick. Number of turns: 5 Short-circuit current: approx. 260 A Coil diameter: 57 mm Weight: approx ...
Coil with 900 turns and thermal overload protection. For generating powerful magnetic fields in conjunction with the U-core (U8497215).
Number of turns: 900
Inductance: approx. 34 mH
Resistance: approx. 4.8 Ù (at room temperature ...
Secondary coil for use with the 40x40 transformer core D (U8497180) to generate a large current sufficient to melt nails. Covered by impact resistant plastic. Number of turns: 6 Resistance: 3 mΩ Max. current: 60 A Inductance: 0.25 ...
Secondary coil for use with a transformer core D (U8497180) to generate low voltages up to 24 V. With five tapping points. Covered by impact resistant plastic, safe to touch.
Terminals: Safety sockets
Number of turns: 72
Taps: 6/ 30/ 54 ...
Coil that is safe to touch with mains connecting lead for use as primary coil in combination with the transformer core D (U8497180). Covered by impact resistant plastic, safe to touch. Number of turns: 300 Resistance: 0,75 Ω Max. current ...
Coil that is safe to touch with mains connecting lead for use as primary coil in combination with the transformer core D (U8497180). Covered by impact resistant plastic, safe to touch. Description: Mains Coil with Connecting Lead (230 V, ...
Катушки, покрытые ударопрочным пластиком, чтобы к ним было безопасно прикасаться, для использования в качестве первичных или вторичных катушек в сочетании с сердечником трансформатора D (U8497180). С разъемами безопасного подключения.
Катушки, покрытые ударопрочным пластиком, чтобы к ним было безопасно прикасаться, для использования в качестве первичных или вторичных катушек в сочетании с сердечником трансформатора D (1022664). С разъемами безопасного подключения.
Coils, covered with impact resistant plastic so that they are safe to touch, for use as primary or secondary coils in combination with the transformer core D (U8497180). With safety connection sockets. As secondary coils these can output either ...
Secondary coil for transformer core D (U8497180), generating high voltages which can cause spark discharges between two shielded horn electrodes. Covered with impact resistant plastic, safe to touch. Number of turns: 24000 Open-circuit voltage ...
Metal ring for performing Thomson’s ring experiment in conjunction with the mains coil (U84974020-230 and U84974020-115 respectively) and the transformer core D (U8497180). First the metal ring is fitted around one stem of a U core and ...
For the demonstration of the effects of eddy currents and braking. A pendulum object composed of a solid steel plate swings back and forth between the poles of an electromagnet with the power switched off. When the magnet is switched on, the ...