Chladni figures-making sound visible
The Chladni figures are named after the German scientist Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni (1756-1827).
Chladni excited the normal modes of thin metal plates covered with sand by stroking ...
In the surface tension experiment, the pull-off force / surface tension of liquids, as well as the buoyancy force and the surface free energy, are discussed.
For this purpose, the force acting on an aluminum ring with a cutting edge ...
Objective: Determine the radius of curvature of various watch glasses.
From the height h of a spherical surface above a point on a plane defined by the corners of an equilateral triangle, the radius of curvature R of the spherical surface ...
Objective: Measurement of an irregularly shaped body
Callipers are used for making precise measurements of quite short lengths. They are suitable for finding internal and external dimensions and depths, as demonstrated in the measurement ...
Objective: Measurement of an irregularly shaped body
Callipers are used for making precise measurements of quite short lengths. They are suitable for finding internal and external dimensions and depths, as demonstrated in the measurement ...
Objective: Measure the gravitational force and determine the gravitational constant usual a Cavendish torsion balance
The central component of a Cavendish torsion balance is a sensitive torsional pendulum with a pair of small lead spheres ...
Objective: Measure the gravitational force and determine the gravitational constant usual a Cavendish torsion balance
The central component of a Cavendish torsion balance is a sensitive torsional pendulum with a pair of small lead spheres ...
In any elastic body, extension and tension are proportional to one another. This relationship was discovered by Robert Hooke and is frequently demonstrated using a coil spring with weights suspended from it. The change in the length ...
Objective: Confirm Hooke’s law for coil springs under tension
In any elastic body, extension and tension are proportional to one another. This relationship was discovered by Robert Hooke and is frequently demonstrated using a coil spring ...
Objective: Verification of the law of the lever
The law of the lever follows from the equilibrium of moments, which works for all three classes of
lever. It represents the physical basis for all kinds of mechanical transmission of force.
Objective: Experimental investigation of the vector addition of forces
The vector addition of forces can be demonstrated in a clear and simple manner on the force table. The point of action of three individual forces in equilibrium is exactly ...
Objective: Determine the forces acting on an inclined plane
If a body needs to be propelled up an inclined plane, it is not the body’s full weight G which needs to be overcome, but only the component which acts parallel to the plane F1. ...
Objective: Measurement of friction forces
In order to measure dynamic friction, a friction measuring apparatus is used. It is composed of movable friction strips, which are pulled from under a stationary rough body connected to a dynamometer ...
Archimedes’ principle states that a body immersed in a fluid experiences an upward force (updraught or force of buoyancy) FG. The magnitude of this force is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid. For a regularly shaped ...
Objective: Measurement of instantaneous velocity as a function of distance covered
In the case of uniform acceleration, the instantaneous velocity increases as the distance covered becomes greater. The constant of proportionality between ...
Objective: Record and evaluate motion with uniform acceleration on a roller track
When uniformly accelerated motion takes place the velocity at any instant is linearly proportional to the time, while the relationship between distance and ...
Objective: Investigate uni-dimensional collisions on an air track
One important consequence of Newton’s third law is the conservation of momentum in collisions between two bodies. One way of verifying this is to investigate collisions ...
Objective: Investigate uni-dimensional collisions on an air track
One important consequence of Newton’s third law is the conservation of momentum in collisions between two bodies. One way of verifying this is to investigate collisions between ...
Objective: Determine the acceleration of a falling object.
In free fall the distance fallen h is proportional to the square of the time t taken to fall that distance. The coefficient of that proportionality can be used to calculate the acceleration ...
Objective: Plotting the “parabolic” trajectories point by point
The motion of a ball that is thrown upward at an angle to the horizontal in the earth’s gravitational
field follows a parabolic curve whose height and width depend on the throwing ...
Objective: Investigate elastic and inelastic collisions between two objects on a plane
In any collision between two bodies, the colliding objects must obey the laws of conservation of energy and conservation of momentum. With the help of ...
Objective: Confirm the law of equal areas for central force motions (Kepler’s Second Law)
As an example of motion under the influence of a central force, the elliptical motion of a pendulum bob is recorded by the dust-marking method. This ...
Objective: Confirm Newton’s equation of motionFor a body that rotates about a fixed axis with uniform acceleration, the angle of rotation φ increases
in proportion to the square of the time t. From this proportionality factor it is possible ...
Objective: Determine the moment of inertia of a horizontal rod with additional weights attached
The moment of inertia of a body about its axis of rotation depends on the distribution of its weight in relation to the axis. This is to be investigated ...
Objective: Determine the moment of inertia for various test bodies.
A body’s moment of inertia around an axis of rotation depends on how the mass of the object is distributed with respect to the axis. This will be investigated for a dumbbell ...