TruBaby X

TruBaby X, 1022795, ALS Newborn
TruBaby X, 1022795, ALS Newborn
TruBaby X, 1022795, ALS Newborn
TruBaby X, 1022795, ALS Newborn
TruBaby X, 1022795, ALS Newborn
TruBaby X, 1022795, ALS Newborn
TruBaby X, 1022795, ALS Newborn
TruBaby X, 1022795, ALS Newborn
TruBaby X, 1022795, ALS Newborn
TruBaby X, 1022795, ALS Newborn
TruBaby X, 1022795, ALS Newborn
TruBaby X, 1022795, ALS Newborn
TruBaby X, 1022795, ALS Newborn
TruBaby X, 1022795, ALS Newborn
TruBaby X, 1022795, ALS Newborn

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A complete solution for pediatric clinical skills training

This pediatric clinical skills training model is ideal for anesthetists, nurses & other pediatric emergency medical professionals practicing Directly Observed Practical Skills (DOPS), Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) and critical emergency medicine including infant airway management, CPR, IV cannulation, peripheral venous cannulation, PICC line insertion, needle thoracentesis & chest drain, urethral catheterization and lumbar puncture.

The TruBaby X System is a versatile and true-to-life pediatric clinical skills trainer built to withstand repeated use in a busy classroom setting. The model has been designed as fully interchangeable, all the parts are cost effective and can be replaced quickly when required. Initial set-up time is less than 5 mins.

TruBaby X is incredibly lifelike with the appearance, weight, size and movement of a 5-month-old infant.

Model Features
  • Realistic & durable AirSim X airway
  • Realistic movement including head tilt, chin lift & jaw thrust
  • Interchangeable head in case of repairs
  • Realistic rib structures including xiphoid process & clavicle
  • Palpable landmarks in the 2nd intercostal space midclavicular line & 5th intercostal space mid-axillary line
  • Palpable vertebrae landmarks
  • Lumbar puncture can be practiced at L3-L4 & L4-L5 spine locations
  • Proximal tibia interosseous needle insertion site
  • Contains tibial tuberosity anatomy & patella anatomy
  • Realistic anatomy to practice inserting catheter tube to extract urine
  • Option for interchangeable male and female genitalia
  • Optional arm facilitates ultrasound-guided IV & PICC line insertion
  • Fully enclosed fluid management system giving realistic blood flashback & flow
  • Allows needle cannulation at various various locations in hand, arm & foot
  • Realistic look & feel of tissues 
  • Lifelike responsiveness during procedure training

Medical Procedure Training

Airway management
TruBaby X features the durable and realistic TruCorp airway and facilitates infant airway management training including:
  • Endotracheal tube insertion with chest rise
  • Double nasotracheal intubation
  • BVM (bag-valve-mask) ventilation techniques
  • Supraglottic device insertion (full range)
  • Direct & video laryngoscopy
  • Realistic movement including head tilt, chin lift and jaw thrust
  • Interchangeable head in case of repairs

CPR training with visual feedback
CPR techniques differ depending on the age of the recipient. The TruBaby X System allows realistic infant CPR training to improve practitioner confidence and patient safety featuring:
  • Realistic rib structure with xiphoid process and sternum
  • Full recommended depth of 1.5 inches can be achieved with full chest recoil
  • Chest structure has lifelike recoil during compressions, accurate representation of rise and fall during ventilation
  • Inflatable tongue to simulate normal lingual tension, tongue edema or anaphylactic reaction
  • Realistic look and feel of tissues representing skin, fat and muscle
Though infants are far smaller than adults, performing high quality chest compressions during CPR is equally important. TruBaby’s lifelike responsiveness to compressions and ventilation allows for realistic practice to improve patient outcomes.

Peripheral venous cannulation (hand. arm, foot)
Peripheral IV (intravenous) catheters can be inserted into peripheral veins to administer treatments, transfusions or IV fluids. TruBaby X facilitates peripheral venous cannulation practice in the arm, hand, or foot.
  • Contains the dorsal venous arch, cephalic and basilic veins (hand, arm) & great and lesser saphenous veins (foot) allowing needle cannulation at various locations
  • Activation of the normal venous blood flow mode allows fluids to be withdrawn and administered providing realistic blood flashback
  • The arm facilitates 300+ needle penetrations using a size 21g needle
Infant blood vessels are much smaller than in adults and are not well supported by the surrounding soft tissue. The TruBaby X skills trainer has been developed to provide lifelike training to improve patient safety and outcomes.

Lumbar puncture
Lumbar puncture acquires a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for testing to confirm or exclude diagnosis of infection (bacterial, viral or fungal). TruBaby X facilitates lumbar puncture training with:
  • Ability to maneuver the baby into the required lateral decubitus position or sit upright
  • Palpable vertebrae landmarks including the iliac crest
  • Insertion sites include L3-L4 and L4-L5 spine locations
  • Accurate needle placement allows for positive response and collection of simulated cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
  • Fluid is isolated and can be quickly refilled for a unique training experience
  • Insert can last for 100+ needle penetrations using a 22g needle and is fully interchangeable

PICC line insertion
PICC line insertion provides long-term vascular access through a peripherally inserted central catheter. TruBaby X facilitates PICC line training in infants featuring:
  • Complete PICC line procedure including guidewire insertion, dilation, and full cannulation
  • Peripherally inserted catheterization either through the basilic, brachial, or cephalic veins, all visually located
  • Fully enclosed fluid management system 
  • Activation of the normal venous blood flow mode allows fluids to be withdrawn and administered providing realistic blood flashback
  • Speed of blood can be altered to show slow, medium or fast blood flow to increase difficulty - fluids can be withdrawn and administrated in a realistic manner
  • 300+ needle incisions with no leaks using a 21g needle

Ultrasound guided PICC line insertion
  • Optional arm facilitates ultrasound guided IV and PICC line insertion.
  • Realisc anatomy illustrating two visible embedded vessels.
  • Real feel vascular ‘tenting’ upon entry into the vessel.
  • Facilitates 100+ needle penetrations using a size 21g needle with self-healing/regeneration of the TruUltra material.

Needle thoracentesis for tension pneumothorax (2nd & 5th intercostal space)
Tension pneumothorax results when alveoli (air sacs in lungs) rupture and leak air into the pleural space (between lung and chest wall). TruBaby allows training in needle thoracentesis at the 2nd & 5th intercostal spaces and features:
  • Realistic rib structures including xiphoid process and clavicle
  • Palpable landmarks in the 2nd intercoastal space mid clavicular line and the 5th intercostal space mid auxiallary line
  • Easily interchangeable inserts
  • Each needle decompression insert facilitates 150+ needle penetrations using a 18g needle

Chest drain (air only)
  • Palpable landmarks in the 5th intercostal space mid auxiliary line.
  • Facilitates either the Seldinger chest drain insertion technique or the needle thoracentesis approach for the treatment of a pneumothorax.
  • Each chest drain insert facilitates single use via the Seldinger approach with a size 8F chest tube.
  • Alternatively, each chest drain insert can facilitate 150+ needle penetrations using a 18G Needle.

Intraosseous infusion (tibia)
Intraosseous infusion (IO) is making an injection directly into bone marrow to create a non-collapsible point of entry for the systemic venous system. In this way fluids and/or medication can be delivered even when intravenous access is not possible. Blood samples can also be collected this way. The proximal tibia is the preferred site for intraosseous infusion in infants. TruBaby X allows training in IO tibia featuring:
  • Features the tibial tuberosity and patella anatomy which facilitates for the identification of the proximal tibia intraosseous needle insertion site.
  • Realistic resistance when penetrating the medullary cavity.
  • Each IO insert is delivered with pre-filled fluid and facilitates single use with a 18G IO needle.
  • Features the tibial tuberosity and patella anatomy which facilitates for the identification of the proximal tibia intraosseous needle insertion site.
  • Realistic resistance when penetrating the medullary cavity.
  • Each IO insert is delivered with pre-filled fluid and facilitates single use with a 18G IO needle.

Urethral catheterization
A catheter may be used to obtain a sterile urine specimen to diagnose infection in the bladder or kidneys. Some infants may need a urinary catheter because of low urine output, so nursing and medical staff can determine how much fluid is needed. TruBaby X allows training in infant urethral catheterization featuring:
  • Realistic infant anatomy to practice and learn the techniques of catheterization
  • A 5-8F catheter can be inserted into the urethra and into the bladder.
  • Upon successful entry fluid will flow from the catheter.
  • Option for interchangeable male and female genitalia

1 TruBaby X Model (delivered with all inserts and limbs included)
1 TruBaby X Carrier case
1 Bottle of TruCorp lubrication (100 ml)
1 Bottle of artificial blood concentrate (250ml)
1 Syringe with yellow and white tubing and quick fit connectors
4 Needle Decompression inserts (2 Left & 2 Right)
4 Chest Drain inserts (2 Left & 2 Right)
1 TruBaby X Ultrasound Arm (Left)
1 TruBaby X Ultrasound Arm (Right)
1 TruBaby X IO inserts (5 Left & 5 Right)
1 TruBaby X Lumbar Puncture insert
1 TruBaby X Male Genitalia insert
Delivered ready-to-use in durable carry case for easy transportation & safe storage


From 30.61 €
35.33 €
456.17 €

Replacement Parts

671.55 €
671.55 €
671.55 €
671.55 €


114.95 €
114.95 €
Item No.: 1022795
Weight 5.5 kg
Dimensions 62 x 22 x 15 cm
Brand TruCorp
MPN: TB10001X
  • Secure online payment with SSL
  • Expert advice
  • Easy returns & exchanges
  • International shipping available
Service hotline: +49-40-73966-223
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