1025180 offers a 3D display with active shutter glasses, as well as two haptic devices for two-handed work. Various applications can be installed, also from other specialties. It is particularly suitable for stationary training in hospitals ...
These simulators combine a lightweight, portable design with attractive prices, while retaining much of the functionality of the classic VOXEL-MAN simulators. Thereby, they provide an easy entry into the world of virtual medical training.
With VOXEL-MAN 3D Printing, you can create your own digital models for 3D printing – simply at the touch of a button.
VOXEL-MAN 3D Printing provides an easy entry into 3D printing in medicine. The printed anatomical models of ...
Virtual Dental Simulator
VOXEL-MAN Dental is a new kind of dental training simulator, based on virtual reality technology. Students are working on simulated patient cases with a look and feel close to a real procedure, training ...
VOXEL-MAN Sonography is a new virtual training simulator for external and endoscopic ultrasound examinations in internal medicine. It comes as a compact, portable system, based on a laptop computer with a 2D touch screen and a haptic ...
Virtual Ear Surgery Simulator
VOXEL-MAN Tempo is a unique training simulator for temporal bone surgery. It allows for realistic handling of the drill and a suction, and is ideally suited to gain a thorough understanding of ...
Surgical Training Cases from CT and CBCT
VOXEL-MAN My Cases is an optional application for the VOXEL-MAN ENT and VOXEL-MAN Dental training simulators. With this app, you can create your own training cases from your ...
Virtual Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Simulator
For an ENT resident, the nose with all its paranasal sinuses can be quite a labyrinth. But with a number of critical structures in the immediate vicinity, a proper orientation is of vital importance ...
Virtuelle Realität Simulatoren revolutionieren die medizinische Ausbildung, indem sie immersive und realistische Trainingsumgebungen bieten. Diese fortschrittlichen Werkzeuge liefern detailliertes visuelles und taktiles Feedback, sodass Nutzer chirurgische und diagnostische Verfahren sicher üben können. Ideal für Universitäten, medizinische Ausbildungszentren, Krankenhäuser und Kliniken, decken diese Simulatoren Fachgebiete wie HNO, Zahnmedizin und Sonographie ab. Sie unterstützen auch personalisiertes Training durch Funktionen wie den Import von Patientendaten und 3D-Druck und überbrücken die Lücke zwischen theoretischem Wissen und praktischer Anwendung, wodurch die Patientenversorgung und die Ergebnisse verbessert werden.