Objective: Determine the focal length of a lens using the Bessel method
On an optical bench it is possible to set up a light source, a lens, a screen and an object to be imaged in such a way that a well focussed image appears on the screen ...
Objective: Generating interference between two beams using a Fresnel biprism.
Refraction of a divergent light beam by means of a biprism separates the beam into two parts which, since they are coherent, will interfere with one another. The ...
Objective: Verify Malus’ law for linearly polarised light.
Malus’ law describes how intensity I of polarised light with an initial intensity I0, having passed through an analyser filter, depends on the angle of rotation of the ...
Objective: Demonstration of Pockels effect in a conoscopic beam path
The Pockels effect is an electro-optical effect in which an electric field within a suitable material splits a light beam into two beams polarised perpendicular to one ...
Objective: Verify that intensity of radiation is proportional to the fourth power of the temperature, T4
The way that intensity of radiation from a black body depends on temperature is described by the
Stefan-Boltzmann law. Similar ...
Objective: Determine the velocity of light from the transit time of short light pulses
The fact that light is propagated at a finite speed can be demonstrated by a simple transit time measurement. This is achieved by using very short light ...