Birth Control Chart

Birth Control Chart, 1002321 [VR6591L], 妇科



Chart Style:

This high quality colorful anatomical chart presents information about common birth control methods, from natural birth control to surgical methods. Birth control methods that are not reliable are also discussed. The anatomy of the birth control is illustrated when relevant on this educational anatomy poster. This thickly laminated anatomical chart is printed on premium glossy (200 g) UV resistant paper and comes with 2 sided lamination (125 micron, 5.0 Mil) and metal eyelets to make the chart easy to display. It comes in a convenient poster size 50 x 67 cm (20x26'') and can be written on and wiped off with non permanent markers. The poster's 125 micron lamination ensures the chart does not curl up at the edges and the UV treatment ensures the chart does not get a faded yellow color over time.
产品编号: 1002321 [VR6591L]
重量 0.075 kg
尺寸 50 x 67 cm
3B 科技 产品型号 3B Scientific

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