Experiment: LC resonant circuits (230 V, 50/60 Hz)

Experiment: LC resonant circuits (230 V, 50/60 Hz), 8000652 [UE3050400-230], Direct and alternating current (DC and AC)
Objective: Investigate the resonance response of a series LC resonant circuit

An electric resonant (also resonance or tuned) circuit is a circuit which is capable of resonating at a specific frequency. It comprises an inductor and a capacitor. In this experiment an AC voltage is generated with the help of a function generator and fed to a series resonant circuit. What will be measured is the amplitude resonance curve, i.e. the current as a function of the frequency at a constant voltage amplitude. If the capacitance is known, it is possible to calculate the unknown inductance of the circuit.

Coach 7 license required!


产品编号: 8000652 [UE3050400-230]
3B 科技 产品型号 3B Scientific

传感器电缆, 1021514 [UCMA-BTsc1], Additional accessories for Computer-aided experimentation
by CMA - Centrum voor Microcomputer
WiLab, 1022284, 数据记录仪
by CMA - Centrum voor Microcomputer
PC-示波器 2x25 MHz, 1020857 [U11830], 高阶示波器
by PeakTech
Plug-in Board for Components, 1012902 [U33250], 嵌入式组件系统
by 3B Scientific
Set of 10 Jumpers, 1012985 [U333093], 嵌入式组件系统
by 3B Scientific
VinciLab, 1021477 [UCMA-001], 数据记录仪
by CMA - Centrum voor Microcomputer
Differential Voltage Sensor 10 V, 1022539 [UCMA-BT31i], 传感器
by CMA - Centrum voor Microcomputer
Linear Resistor, 47 Ohm, 1012908 [U333016], 嵌入式组件系统
by 3B Scientific
Linear Resistor, 470 Ohm, 1012914 [U333022], 嵌入式组件系统
by 3B Scientific
Optical Bench K, 1000 mm, 1009696 [U8475240], Kroencke光学
by 3B Scientific
Holder K for Diode Laser, 1000868 [U8475550], Kroencke光学
by 3B Scientific
Coil S with 1200 Turns, 1001002 [U8498085], 可拆卸变压器S
by 3B Scientific