Experiment: Magnetic field of the Earth (230 V, 50/60 Hz)

Experiment: Magnetic field of the Earth (230 V, 50/60 Hz), 8000624 [UE3030700-230], Magnetic fields
Objective: Determine the horizontal and vertical components of the earth’s magnetic field

This experiment involves determining the inclination and magnitude of the earth’s magnetic field as well as its horizontal and vertical components at the point where the measurement is made. The horizontal component of the earth’s field can be found from the turning of a compass needle when an additional magnetic field is applied by means of a pair of Helmholtz coils. By measuring the angle of inclination, it is also possible to work out the vertical component and calculate the overall magnitude of the earth’s magnetic field.


一对赫尔姆霍茨线圈, 1000906 [U8481500], 感应现象


1000906 [U8481500]
数字万用表 P1035, 1002781 [U11806], 手持数字测量仪器

数字万用表 P1035

1002781 [U11806]
倾斜角测量仪, 1006799 [U8495258], 磁场


1006799 [U8495258]
可变电阻器100 Ohm, 1003066 [U17354], 电循环

可变电阻器100 Ohm

1003066 [U17354]
产品编号: 8000624 [UE3030700-230]
3B 科技 产品型号 3B Scientific
