Experiment: Maltese-Cross Tube, Basic equipment (115 V, 50/60 Hz)

Experiment: Maltese-Cross Tube, Basic equipment (115 V, 50/60 Hz), 8000659 [UE3070300-115], Electron tubes
Thematic focus: ..
•  Linear propagation of cathode rays / of electron beams
•  Electrostatic charging effects
•  Electron deflection by a magnetic field

Experiment description: ..
Straight-line propagation of electrons in the absence of a field can be demonstrated in a Maltese-cross tube by showing how the shadow of the electron beam coincides with the shadow due to a light beam. Any deviation from the straight-line propagation of the beam, due to a magnetic field for example, can be seen since the shadow is then caused to move.

Recommendation: ..
As introduction to electron optics the following is recommended:
item no: UE3070300S-115 / 8000661: Experiment: Maltese-Cross Tube, Supplement


产品编号: 8000659 [UE3070300-115]