Experiment: Sound Propagation in Solids

Experiment: Sound Propagation in Solids, 8000570 [UE1070530], Acoustics
Objective: Determine the speeds of sound propagated by longitudinal and transverse waves in solids

In solids, sound is propagated in the form of longitudinal and transverse waves. However, there is a considerable difference in the speed of the two types of sound waves, since longitudinal sound waves are determined by the elastic modulus of the solid, whereas transverse sound waves are dependent on the shear modulus of the solid. By measuring the speed of the two wave types, it is possible to determine the elastic constant of the solid.


铝制的测试块, 1002585 [U10022], 超声波


1002585 [U10022]
三个圆柱体, 1002588 [U10026], 超声波


1002588 [U10026]
产品编号: 8000570 [UE1070530]
3B 科技 产品型号 3B Scientific

超声凝胶, 1008575 [XP999], 耗材
by 3B Scientific
铝制的测试块, 1002585 [U10022], 超声波
by 3B Scientific
三个圆柱体, 1002588 [U10026], 超声波
by 3B Scientific
离心泵, 1002575 [U10005], 超声波
by 3B Scientific
测试容器, 1002578 [U10008], 超声波
by 3B Scientific
不锈钢杆 00 mm, 1002932 [U15000], 杆
by 3B Scientific
不锈钢杆250 mm, 1002933 [U15001], 杆
by 3B Scientific
不锈钢杆 470mm, 1002934 [U15002], 杆
by 3B Scientific
Ripple Tank PM02, 1017591 [U219101], 水波
by 3B Scientific
圆筒支脚, 1001046 [U8611210], Tripods
by 3B Scientific