Experiment: Wheatstone’s Bridge (230 V, 50/60 Hz)

Experiment: Wheatstone’s Bridge (230 V, 50/60 Hz), 8000611 [UE3020300-230], Charge transport and current
Objective: Determine the value of certain resistances

An arrangement in which two voltage dividers are connected in parallel and connected to the same DC voltage source can be used to obtain the values of certain resistors. The first voltage divider consists of the resistance that is to be measured along with a reference resistance, while the second consists of a resistance wire 1 m in length that is divided into two sections by a sliding contact. The ratio between the two sections is adjusted until the current across the diagonal between the two voltage dividers becomes zero.


Resistance Bridge, 1009885 [U8551002], 电循环

Resistance Bridge

1009885 [U8551002]
AC/DC 电源,
0 – 12 V, 3 A , 1021091 [U22500-230], 供电器

AC/DC 电源,
0 – 12 V, 3 A 

1021091 [U22500-230]
电阻箱, 1002732 [U11182], 电循环


1002732 [U11182]
电阻箱, 1002733 [U11183], 电循环


1002733 [U11183]
电阻箱, 1002734 [U11184], 电循环


1002734 [U11184]
高精度的电阻器, 1009886 [U51006], 电循环


1009886 [U51006]
高精度的电阻器, 1009887 [U51007], 电循环


1009887 [U51007]
零点电表, 1023786, 手持模拟测量仪器


产品编号: 8000611 [UE3020300-230]
3B 科技 产品型号 3B Scientific

WiLab, 1022284, 数据记录仪
by CMA - Centrum voor Microcomputer
电阻箱, 1002732 [U11182], 电循环
by Chauvin Arnoux Metrix
电阻箱, 1002733 [U11183], 电循环
by Chauvin Arnoux Metrix
电阻箱, 1002734 [U11184], 电循环
by Chauvin Arnoux Metrix
高精度的电阻器, 1009886 [U51006], 电循环
by 3B Scientific
高精度的电阻器, 1009887 [U51007], 电循环
by 3B Scientific
Resistance Bridge, 1009885 [U8551002], 电循环
by 3B Scientific
模拟万用表ESCOLA 30, 1013526 [U8557330], 手持模拟测量仪器
by 3B Scientific
Linear Resistor, 470 Ohm, 1012914 [U333022], 嵌入式组件系统
by 3B Scientific
Set of 10 Jumpers, 1012985 [U333093], 嵌入式组件系统
by 3B Scientific