Moulage Instructional Movie

Moulage Instructional Movie, 1018145 [W47112], 印痕和伤口模型
Moulage Instructional Movie, 1018145 [W47112], 印痕和伤口模型
Moulage Instructional Movie, 1018145 [W47112], 印痕和伤口模型
Produced in conjunction with a leading artist using Hollywood training techniques and years of military experience, the Moulage movie explains the use and application of every portion of the Casualty Simulation kits. Start simple and go for realism; each segment of moulage is represented within the frames you'll see during the 45 minutes presentation. Use it as a base to build your repertoire of the most realistic moulage to add challenge to your next casualty incident.
产品编号: 1018145 [W47112]
重量 0.09 kg
尺寸 12.7 x 19.05 x 1.27 cm
3B 科技 产品型号 Simulaids
MPN: 800-880U / PP00880U / SB41537U

模拟烧伤,4组, 1018421 [W44796], 印痕和伤口模型
by Life/form
经典活动脊柱模型, 1000121 [A58/1], 脊柱模型
by 3B Scientific
Die menschliche Muskulatur, 1001304 [VR0118L], 肌肉
by 3B Scientific
Das menschliche Gehirn, 1001420 [VR0615L], 大脑和神经系统
by 3B Scientific