
实验:德拜-西尔斯效应, 8000571 [UE1070550], Mechanics of Liquids and Gases
Objective: Determine the velocity of ultrasonic waves in liquids

Thematic focus: ..
Observing the diffraction pattern at a fixed ultrasound frequency for two different light wavelengths.
Observing the diffraction pattern for different ultrasound frequencies between 1 MHz and 12 MHz.
Determining the corresponding sound wavelengths and the velocity of sound.

Experiment description: ..
The periodic variations of density caused by an ultrasonic standing wave pattern in a liquid act as an optical grating for the diffraction of a monochromatic parallel light beam that is transmitted in the direction perpendicular to the direction of the ultrasound wave.
From the diffraction pattern and the known wavelength of the light, it is possible to determine the sound wavelength and use that to calculate the velocity of sound in the liquid.


产品编号: 8000571 [UE1070550]
3B 科技 产品型号 3B Scientific
