
实验:斯特藩-玻尔兹曼定律, 8000693 [UE4050200-230], Intensity of Radiation


115V, 50/60 Hz
230V, 50/60 Hz
Objective: Verify that intensity of radiation is proportional to the fourth power of the temperature, T4

The way that intensity of radiation from a black body depends on temperature is described by the
Stefan-Boltzmann law. Similar dependence on temperature is exhibited by the intensity of radiation
from an incandescent lamp with a tungsten filament. In this experiment, a Moll thermopile is used to
make a relative measurement which verifies the law. The temperature of the filament can be determined
from the way its resistance depends on temperature, which can be determined very accurately
using a four-wire method.
Mains voltage: 230 V (±10 %), 50/60 Hz


Stefan Boltzmann lamp, 1008523 [U8490050], 光源在柄上

Stefan Boltzmann lamp

1008523 [U8490050]
直流电源, 0-20 V, 0-5 A
, 1003312 [U33020-230], 供电器

直流电源, 0-20 V, 0-5 A

1003312 [U33020-230]
莫尔型 热电堆, 1000824 [U8441301], 热流/热辐射

莫尔型 热电堆

1000824 [U8441301]
Digital Multimeter P3340, 1002785 [U118091], 手持数字测量仪器

Digital Multimeter P3340

1002785 [U118091]
数字万用表 P1035, 1002781 [U11806], 手持数字测量仪器

数字万用表 P1035

1002781 [U11806]
圆筒支脚, 1002834 [U13265], 基底


1002834 [U13265]
产品编号: 8000693 [UE4050200-230]
3B 科技 产品型号 3B Scientific
