杆中的声传播 –
实验套装 (115 伏, 50/60 赫兹)

杆中的声传播 –
实验套装 (115 伏, 50/60 赫兹), 1018468 [U8557180-115], 科学套件 – 波和声
杆中的声传播 –
实验套装 (115 伏, 50/60 赫兹), 1018468 [U8557180-115], 科学套件 – 波和声
Experiment Topics: ..
Speed of propagation of sound pulses in various rods
Comparison between the propagation of longitudinal and transverse waves
Standing sound waves in short rods
Polarity of reflections at the ends of the rods
Multiple reflection at the ends of longer rods
Benefits: ..
Compact set-up on lab benches
Non-contact and low-attenuation measurement of sound waves

Product Information: ..
Equipment set for investigating propagation of sound and determining the speed of sound in solid rods of various materials. The set includes various test rods, two microphone probes and a microphone box for connection to an oscilloscope. Contained in a rugged plastic case with foam inlays in the shape of the apparatus and a transparent lid.

Contents: ..
6 Test rods, 200 mm, made of glass, transparent acrylic (perspex), PVC, wood (beech), stainless steel and aluminium
4 Test rods, 100 mm, made of copper, brass, stainless steel and aluminium
1 Test rod, 400 mm made of stainless steel
2 Beaters
2 Microphone probes
1 Microphone boxes
1 Plug-in power supply 12 V AC
3 Rubber mats, 50 mm x 40 mm x 5 mm

产品编号: 1018468 [U8557180-115]
重量 1.5 kg
3B 科技 产品型号 3B Scientific