Advanced NMR/ESR System

Advanced NMR/ESR System, U40200-115, Resonancia Magnética
Advanced NMR/ESR System, U40200-115, Resonancia Magnética
Advanced NMR/ESR System, U40200-115, Resonancia Magnética
Advanced NMR/ESR System, U40200-115, Resonancia Magnética
USD 5,379.00
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An electron or proton placed in a magnetic filed will have its magnetic dipole aligned in the direction of or opposed to the field direction. The energy difference between these two states is hf. A second (oscillating) magnetic field exactly equal to the energy difference hf between these two states and at right angles to it, disturb the orienting field so the electron or proton absorbs energy. By photon emission the electron or proton returns to its lower energy state. This well defined frequency- field combination at which absorption occurs results in an impedance change in an oscillating circuit that can be observed. This NMR/ESR unit needs no additional accessories. The software for controlling the program is included. Since the unit itself connects to the computer no additional equipment such as an oscilloscope or computer interface is required.

Experiment topics:
  • Measure NMR/ESR line width
  • Determine g factor
  • Study line shape
  • Accurate determination of Earth’s magnetic field
  • Comparison of NMR spectra from liquid-and solid-like samples
  • Determination of magnetogyric ratio for 1H and 19F nuclei
  • Observation of NMR line split in gypsum monocrystal due to its rotation
  • Mapping electromagnet and Helmholtz coil with Hall effect Tesla meter
  • Control unit
  • Electromagnet
  • Helmholtz coils
  • Probehead
  • NMR/ESR samples
  • Software
  • 80 page Operations/ Experimental manual (in PDF format)
  • All connecting cables.
Artículo No.: U40200-115
Weight 14.9 kg
Dimensions 35 x 14 x 16 cm
Brand TEL-Atomic
MPN: TEL cws 12-50
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