An Alternative Iodine Clock Reaction

An Alternative Iodine Clock Reaction, W56636, Green Chemistry Experiments
USD 57.00
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Students will learn the mechanisms and reactions involved in one type of clock reaction and understand how a clock reaction may provide insight into reaction kinetics. After assembling, performing, and obtaining data from several clock reactions students will alter experimental conditions and investigate the effects on clock reaction data. Determination of the effects of concentration and temperature on chemical kinetics will be investigated. Kit contains enough materials for 15 groups. Teacher's Manual and Student Study Guide copymasters are included.

Kit Includes:

  • 3 x 100ml Ascorbic Acid
  • 3 x 100ml IKI Dilute Lugol's Solution
  • 2 x 200ml Hydrogen Peroxide 3%
  • 1 x 3g of Soluble Starch
  • 30 Plastic Cups
  • 30 Stir Sticks
  • 60 Measuring Cups, Disposable
  • 60 Pipettes, Disposable
Artículo No.: W56636


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