Canine Jaw Model

Canine Jaw Model, 1019591 [W33360], Zoological Diseases
Canine Jaw Model, 1019591 [W33360], Zoological Diseases
USD 100.75
in stock
Latex free
Average size canine and feline jaw depicts healthy teeth on the right side and diseased and damaged teeth on the left. Featured pathologies: fractured canine, periodontal disease, tartar accumulation, plaque, gingivitis, worn incisors, retained deciduous tooth, missing premolar and (canine) gingival recession. Jaws open, close and separate for closer study.
  • 4.75 x 2.75 x 2"
Item No.: 1019591 [W33360]
Weight 0.3 kg
MPN: 9195
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