Base plate for use with Student Experiment Kits. Tilt-resistant stainless-steel base with five special threads for the insertion of stand rods, threads for mounting a transformer, and expansion slots for the insertion of electrical components ...
Regulation-exempt radiation source with brass container for shielding. Radium sulphate rolled in gold foil and sealed at one end of a stainless steel cartridge.
Activity: 4 kBq approx.
Tolerance: ...
Coulombmeter for measuring the flow of current when storing energy in a rechargeable battery. Charge or consumption can be displayed by means of a voltmeter. Depending on the measuring range selected, 1 V on the voltmeter corresponds to either ...
The geared motor with string pulley is used in conjunction with the Solar Energy Student Experiment Kit as a load for demonstrating conversion of energy. The motor is mounted on a base plate and has a pulley attached for a string. Power is ...
Adapter lead for rectifying high-frequency output signals from the ultrasonic electronic control unit in order to conduct measurements with any DC voltmeter. The ultrasonic electronic control unit is part of ultrasonic equipment sets used in ...
Versatile, easy to use and compact precision instrument for measuring α-, β- and γ-radiation. With filter selection switch at the front of the Geiger-Müller counter tube for filtering out types of radiation (γ/β, γ/α/β or γ only), large ...